Sierra. My love. Thank you for sharing so vulnerably and beautifully, as always. It's always so healing to read and learn about multiple perspectives -- I too struggle with body image, and have had the opposite experience (finding my chest too large, wanting to hide it). It was only recently after stepping more fully into my reality as a star-gazer and astrologer that I am learning to embrace and no longer hide what gives me femininity and attracts "attention" (and that attention isn't necessarily bad or dangerous). Thank you for sparking this reflection 🥹

P.S. I'm a MG too!! Twinsies!!!

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Wow. What an incredible journey, Sierra! I too, have been on a boob growing / body dysmorphia healing journey that also started at 28. It’s incredible, how magical and brilliant our bodies are yet how programmed we are to believe otherwise. It doesn’t feel like I’ve been healing from just body dysmorphia... earthling dysmorphia makes more sense now considering it’s this natural state of being a human on Earth that I’ve been so disconnected from. And.. through reconnecting to the Natural and deprogramming from the unnatural, I too, have witnessed the magic our bodies are capable of, as my breasts grow, hips widen, and waist forms.. I love touching myself now, the swells and dips I never once had. I’m forgiving myself for the hurtful words I’ve directed towards my body all my life, while reconnecting with this natural version of myself and it’s such a powerful and romantic feeling. It feels like my initiation into womanhood, with the divine feminine roaring back to life within me 🔥❤️ GAH I’m just so in awe and in love with it allll!

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